Well, what were we saying about God's timing? This afternoon we received the call that they have found two beautiful little girls for us to adopt. D, who is 4, and her sister A, who is
2 1/2. We are gathering medical information to send to an adoption Dr., and then after our approval we will be traveling to Russia in a matter of weeks. We have some internet friends who are picking up their son right now in Kraznoyarsk. We are very excited, and scared, and happy, and worried, and etc. This is very exciting! Thank you for your continued prayers as we discern the information on these little ones.
Pete and MaryEllen
Christmas 2011
13 years ago
HOW WONDERFUL!!!!!! Did you get a picture? Love the names. So beautiful to match two beautiful blessings from God.
What are the names? C.H. could not remember! I am so excited, two more Russian woman in the family :)
I can't wait to meet them.
What wonderful news - We are waiting for our court date in Krasnoyarsk - and a few couples are currently there finishing up court!!!
I wish you all the best with your adoption!
Fantastic! Our son came from Krasnoyarsk. . .we've been home 6 months. Godspeed and goodluck!
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